Results for 'Hedwig J. A. Van Bakel'

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  1.  33
    Validity of the Parental Burnout Inventory Among Dutch Employees.Hedwig J. A. Van Bakel, Marloes L. Van Engen & Pascale Peters - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Emotion regulation during the COVID-19 pandemic: risk and resilience factors for parental burnout.Dana Vertsberger, Isabelle Roskam, Anat Talmon, Hedwig van Bakel, Ruby Hall, Moïra Mikolajczak & James J. Gross - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (1):100-105.
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    Cut-Elimination in the Strict Intersection Type Assignment System is Strongly Normalizing.Steffen van Bakel - 2004 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 45 (1):35-63.
    This paper defines reduction on derivations (cut-elimination) in the Strict Intersection Type Assignment System of an earlier paper and shows a strong normalization result for this reduction. Using this result, new proofs are given for the approximation theorem and the characterization of normalizability of terms using intersection types.
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    Completeness and partial soundness results for intersection and union typing for λ ¯ μ μ ̃.Steffen van Bakel - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (11):1400-1430.
    This paper studies intersection and union type assignment for the calculus , a proof-term syntax for Gentzen’s classical sequent calculus, with the aim of defining a type-based semantics, via setting up a system that is closed under conversion. We will start by investigating what the minimal requirements are for a system, for to be complete ; this coincides with System , the notion defined in Dougherty et al. [18]; however, we show that this system is not sound , so our (...)
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    Comparing cubes of typed and type assignment systems.Steffen van Bakel, Luigi Liquori, Simona Ronchi Della Rocca & Pawel Urzyczyn - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 86 (3):267-303.
    We study the cube of type assignment systems, as introduced in Giannini et al. 87–126), and confront it with Barendregt's typed gl-cube . The first is obtained from the latter through applying a natural type erasing function E to derivation rules, that erases type information from terms. In particular, we address the question whether a judgement, derivable in a type assignment system, is always an erasure of a derivable judgement in a corresponding typed system; we show that this property holds (...)
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  6.  12
    Automatic semantic interpretation: a computer model of understanding natural language.Jan van Bakel - 1984 - Cinnaminson, U.S.A.: Foris Publications.
  7. Bosch, R., see Bagaria, J. Cholak, P., see Ash, CJ.U. Engberg, G. Winskel, S. Ghilardi, G. Meloni, P. Matet, D. Skvortsov, S. van Bakel, L. Liquori, S. Ronchi Della Rocca & P. Urzyczyn - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 86:305.
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  8.  24
    Withholding consent : How citizens resist expert responses by positioning themselves as ‘the ones to be convinced’.Lotte van Burgsteden & Hedwig te Molder - 2021 - Pragmatics and Society 12 (4):669-695.
    This paper examines public meetings in the Netherlands where experts and officials interact with local residents on the human health effects of livestock farming. Using Conversation Analysis, we reveal a ‘weapon of the weak’: a practice by which the residents resist experts’ head start in information meetings. It is shown how residents draw on the given question-answer format to challenge experts and pursue an admission of, for example, methodological shortcomings. We show how the residents’ first question functions as a ‘foot-in-the-door’, (...)
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    We say: ‘...’, they say: ‘...’: How plant science experts draw on reported dialogue to shelve user concerns.Bart Gremmen, Cees van Woerkum, Hedwig te Molder & Karen Mogendorff - 2014 - Discourse and Communication 8 (2):137-154.
    This study aims to increase insight into the uses of experts’ references to physically absent technology users in government-funded plant science. A discursive psychological analysis of expert board meetings shows that experts invoke various forms of reported dialogue/thoughts and dispositional statements when problems with technology and with program funding are discussed. Forms of reported dialogue serve to demonstrate that experts engage in dialogue with users, understand and are reasonable about users’ concerns, and that the content of user concerns does not (...)
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  10.  53
    Out of step: fatal flaws in the latest AAP policy report on neonatal circumcision.J. Steven Svoboda & Robert S. Van Howe - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (7):434-441.
    The American Academy of Pediatrics recently released a policy statement and technical report on circumcision, in both of which the organisation suggests that the health benefits conferred by the surgical removal of the foreskin in infancy definitively outweigh the risks and complications associated with the procedure. While these new documents do not positively recommend neonatal circumcision, they do paradoxically conclude that its purported benefits ‘justify access to this procedure for families who choose it,’ claiming that whenever and for whatever reason (...)
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  11.  22
    Tracing Long-term Value Change in (Energy) Technologies: Opportunities of Probabilistic Topic Models Using Large Data Sets.E. J. L. Chappin, I. R. van de Poel & T. E. de Wildt - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (3):429-458.
    We propose a new approach for tracing value change. Value change may lead to a mismatch between current value priorities in society and the values for which technologies were designed in the past, such as energy technologies based on fossil fuels, which were developed when sustainability was not considered a very important value. Better anticipating value change is essential to avoid a lack of social acceptance and moral acceptability of technologies. While value change can be studied historically and qualitatively, we (...)
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  12.  95
    Can we justify eliminating coercive measures in psychiatry?E. J. D. Prinsen & J. J. M. van Delden - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (1):69-73.
    The practice of coercive measures in psychiatry is controversial. Although some have suggested that it may be acceptable if patients are a danger to others or to themselves, others committed themselves to eliminate it. Ethical, legal and clinical considerations become more complex when the mental incapacity is temporary and when the coercive measures serve to restore autonomy. We discuss these issues, addressing the conflict between autonomy and beneficence/non-maleficence, human dignity, the experiences of patients and the effects of coercive measures. We (...)
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  13.  68
    Assessment of physician-assisted death by members of the public prosecution in The Netherlands.J. M. Cuperus-Bosma, G. van der Wal, C. W. Looman & P. J. van der Maas - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (1):8-15.
    OBJECTIVES: To identify the factors that influence the assessment of reported cases of physician-assisted death by members of the public prosecution. DESIGN/SETTING: At the beginning of 1996, during verbal interviews, 12 short case-descriptions were presented to a representative group of 47 members of the public prosecution in the Netherlands. RESULTS: Assessment varied considerably between respondents. Some respondents made more "lenient" assessments than others. Characteristics of the respondents, such as function, personal-life philosophy and age, were not related to the assessment. Case (...)
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  14.  29
    Humanizing Stakeholders by Rethinking Business.Katinka J. P. Quintelier, Joeri van Hugten, Bidhan L. Parmar & Inge M. Brokerhof - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Can business humanize its stakeholders? And if so, how does this relate to moral consideration for stakeholders? In this paper we compare two business orientations that are relevant for current business theory and practice: a stakeholder orientation and a profit orientation. We empirically investigate the causal relationships between business orientation, humanization, and moral consideration. We report the results of six experiments, making use of different operationalizations of a stakeholder and profit orientation, different stakeholders, and different participant samples. Our findings support (...)
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    Contest Entries.J. Brenton Stearns, Brennan van Hook, George J. Stack, Warren E. Steinkraus, Martin Wolfson & Dan Sullivan - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (3):559-577.
    In The Second Sex, Simone de Beauvoir revealed that it is just this freedom of withdrawal from self that woman cannot gain because of the constant effort of establishing and guarding her identity against an enforced background of passivity, ornamentality and self-enclosure. Even as a small child, woman is taught how to.
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    Survival of the selfish: Contrasting self-referential and survival-based encoding.Sheila J. Cunningham, Mirjam Brady-Van den Bos, Lucy Gill & David J. Turk - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (1):237-244.
    Processing information in the context of personal survival scenarios elicits a memory advantage, relative to other rich encoding conditions such as self-referencing. However, previous research is unable to distinguish between the influence of survival and self-reference because personal survival is a self-referent encoding context. To resolve this issue, participants in the current study processed items in the context of their own survival and a familiar other person’s survival, as well as in a semantic context. Recognition memory for the items revealed (...)
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  17.  47
    Cognitive control in romantic love: the roles of infatuation and attachment in interference and adaptive cognitive control.Sandra J. E. Langeslag & Henk van Steenbergen - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (3):596-603.
    ABSTRACTBesides physiological, behavioural, and affective effects, romantic love also has cognitive effects. In this study, we tested whether individual differences in infatuation and/or attachment level predict impaired interference control even in the absence of a love booster procedure, and whether individual differences in attachment level predict reduced adaptive cognitive control as measured by conflict adaptation and post-error slowing. Eighty-three young adults who had recently fallen in love completed a Stroop-like task, which yielded reliable indices of interference control and adaptive cognitive (...)
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  18.  13
    Imagination in science.J. H. Van'T. Hoff - 1967 - [New York]: Springer-Verlag New York. Edited by Georg F. Springer.
    The objective of the new series, "Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics", of which this brochure forms the first volume, is to produce more than another compilation of data. It is hoped that the new series will help the individual "specialist" keep abreast of important developments in the natural sciences at the molecular and subcellular level in fields complementary to his own. The predominant aim is not so much to increase the ever-growing body of information in an encyclopedic fashion but rather (...)
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  19.  21
    Reports from the netherlands. Dances with data.Loes Pijnenborg Johannes J. M. Van Delden - 1993 - Bioethics 7 (4):323-329.
    Book Reviews in this Article: Rationing America's Medical Care: The Oregon Plan and Beyond, edited by Martin A. Strosberg, Joshua M. Wiener, Robert Baker and I. Alan Fein. Bad Medicine: The Prescription Drug Industry in the Third World, by Milton Silverman, Mia Lydecker and Philip R. Lee. Stanford Feminist Perspectives in Medical Ethics, edited by Helen Bequaert Holmes and Laura M. Purdy, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana Choices in Health Care: A Report by the Government Committee on Choices in Health Care, (...)
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  20. Stakeholder engagement by South African businesses: Identification and prioritization of stakeholders.J. C. Mwangi, L. J. van Vuuren & G. J. Rossouw - 2005 - African Journal of Business Ethics 1 (1):39.
    The term "stakeholder engagement" has gained increasing prominence over the last few years. This prominence is fueled by a range of issues such as an increased dissatisfaction with business's focus on stockholder/shareholder interests and the demands for greater transparency from business following major business scandals. A perceived response to this issue in South Africa has been the inclusion of guidelines on stakeholder engagement in the King II Report on Corporate Governance. Despite this growing interest, there has not been clarity on (...)
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  21.  67
    Extending the global workspace theory to emotion: Phenomenality without access.J. L. Schutter & J. van Honk - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (3):539-549.
    Recent accounts on the global workspace theory suggest that consciousness involves transient formations of functional connections in thalamo-cortico-cortical networks. The level of connectivity in these networks is argued to determine the state of consciousness. Emotions are suggested to play a role in shaping consciousness, but their involvement in the global workspace theory remains elusive. In the present study, the role of emotion in the neural workspace theory of consciousness was scrutinized by investigating, whether unconscious and conscious display of emotional compared (...)
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  22.  6
    Lex et Liberias: Freedom and Law according to St. Thomas Aquinas ed. by L. J. Elders, K. Hedwig[REVIEW]Joseph Owens - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (3):539-542.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS Lex et Libertas: Freedom and Law according to St. Thomas.Aquinas. Edited by L. J. ELDERS and K. HEDWIG. Vatican City: Pontificia Accademia di S. Thommaso, 1987. Pp. 286. L. 30.000 (paper). This 30th volume of Antonio Piolanti's Studi Tomis-tici contains the papers given at the fourth Rolduc Symposium (1986) on the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas. Five of the papers are in French, and seven in (...)
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    Structural Completeness in Substructural Logics.J. S. Olson, J. G. Raftery & C. J. Van Alten - 2008 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 16 (5):453-495.
    Hereditary structural completeness is established for a range of substructural logics, mainly without the weakening rule, including fragments of various relevant or many-valued logics. Also, structural completeness is disproved for a range of systems, settling some previously open questions.
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    Meaningful Respect for the Autonomy of Persons with “Completed Life”: An Analysis in Light of Empirical Research.G. J. M. W. van Thiel, J. J. M. van Delden, E. J. van Wijngaarden & M. L. Zomers - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2):65-67.
    In the Netherlands, the legalization of assisted suicide for persons with a death wish without severe illness, often referred to as persons with “completed life” or “tiredness of life,” is intensel...
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  25.  33
    How do 66 European institutional review boards approve one protocol for an international prospective observational study on traumatic brain injury? Experiences from the CENTER-TBI study.Marjolein Timmers, Jeroen T. J. M. van Dijck, Roel P. J. van Wijk, Valerie Legrand, Ernest van Veen, Andrew I. R. Maas, David K. Menon, Giuseppe Citerio, Nino Stocchetti & Erwin J. O. Kompanje - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-14.
    Background The European Union aims to optimize patient protection and efficiency of health-care research by harmonizing procedures across Member States. Nonetheless, further improvements are required to increase multicenter research efficiency. We investigated IRB procedures in a large prospective European multicenter study on traumatic brain injury, aiming to inform and stimulate initiatives to improve efficiency. Methods We reviewed relevant documents regarding IRB submission and IRB approval from European neurotrauma centers participating in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury. (...)
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  26.  18
    Going against the interactional tide: The accomplishment of dialogic moments from a conversation analytic perspective.Geoffrey Raymond, Hedwig te Molder & Lotte van Burgsteden - 2022 - Discourse Studies 24 (4):471-490.
    This article addresses a vital concern in current society by showing what participants themselves may treat as ways to transcend their differences. Actors’ shared understanding has been of longstanding interest across the social sciences. Conversation analysis treats the procedural infrastructure of interaction as the basis for participants to manage intersubjectivity. The field of dialogue studies has made occasions in which people transform their relationship by discussing their differences, central to their research project, and called them “dialogic moments.” This study draws (...)
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  27. Ethical problems in intensive care unit admission and discharge decisions: a qualitative study among physicians and nurses in the Netherlands.Anke J. M. Oerlemans, Nelleke van Sluisveld, Eric S. J. van Leeuwen, Hub Wollersheim, Wim J. M. Dekkers & Marieke Zegers - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):9.
    There have been few empirical studies into what non-medical factors influence physicians and nurses when deciding about admission and discharge of ICU patients. Information about the attitudes of healthcare professionals about this process can be used to improve decision-making about resource allocation in intensive care. To provide insight into ethical problems that influence the ICU admission and discharge process, we aimed to identify and explore ethical dilemmas healthcare professionals are faced with.
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  28.  37
    Jan Hendrik van den Berg Answers Some Questions.J. H. van den Berg & Robert D. Romanyshyn - 2008 - Janus Head 10 (2):377-383.
    In this interview with Jan Hendrik van den Berg, the Dutch phenomenologist and psychiatrist addresses the origins of his work, his most significant influences, and the purpose of metabletic phenomenology in the modern age. In the course of the interview. Dr. Van den Berg provides a basic overview of his work, and highlights the central finding of his metabletic analyses: a loss of wonder before nature, which results from the more fundamental loss of genuine spirituality in the modern world.
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    Regverdiging van die sondaar: Martin Luther se teologiese definisie van die mens soos uiteengesit in die Disputatio de homine van 1536, stelling 32.Gabriël M. J. Van Wyk - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (1).
    Disputations were a fixture of Martin Luther’s academic career. Luther participated regularly in disputations. It was an important communicative vehicle through which he developed and expressed his theology. The well-known 95 theses are a case in point. Luther’s career as a disputator was impressive. Several of his most influential disputations were explicitly intended for consideration by his academic and ecclesiastical colleagues, but the majority of his disputations took place as a curricular exercise at the University of Wittenberg. The purpose of (...)
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  30.  19
    De betekenis van Johan Buitendags stellingname in theologie der natuur.Luco J. Van den Brom - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-10.
    This article presents the importance of Buitendag's stance in the so-called 'theology of nature'. His theological statements endeavour to understand reality in conversation with other academic disciplines to see things in a wider and holistic perspective. Following a suggestion of Moltmann, theology must not restrict itself to internal ecclesiastical and personal faith topics but search for 'the truth of the whole'. It is argued that Buitendag's concept of holism is different from Moltmann's 'the truth of the whole'. Moltmann's holism is (...)
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  31.  18
    Die inkarnering van die missio Dei as praktykmodel vir die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika.J. Christo van der Merwe - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3):16.
    The incarnation of the missio Dei practice model for the Dutch Reformed Church of Africa. The decline of the church in the West is of great concern to many today. The Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa (NRCA), experiences the same tendency. We are living in a time when survival is on the mind of most mainline congregations and denominations. The question is what shall we do to turn this situation around? The answer is to be found in the rediscovery of (...)
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  32.  16
    Die invloed van meta-teorieë op basisteorieë in die beoefening van die Praktiese Teologie.H. P. Van den Berg & T. F. J. Dreyer - 1995 - HTS Theological Studies 51 (1):207-223.
    Meta-theories, base-theories and theories of practice in Pratical Theology The problem of meta-theories and base-theories, their interaction and the influence of each on the scientific process, have widely been debated in practical theology. In South Africa two meta-theories namely the system- theory together with the theory that social science is busy with the study of actions, are having the greater deal of attention. The purpose of this article is to point out the fact that an early and absolute choice of (...)
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  33.  20
    Die lewe en werk van Rudolf Bultmann : ʼn Leksikografiese bydrae tot Reformasie 500.Gabriël M. J. Van Wyk - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (1).
    Rudolf Bultmann was one of the leading thinkers within an influential theological direction that arose in Europe after the First World War, known as dialectical theology. Comprehensive introductions to the life and work of Bultmann in the South African theological journals, written in Afrikaans, either does not exist, or are difficult to trace for the Afrikaans readership. This article on Bultmann aims to fill the gap by offering a lexicographical contribution on the life and work of Bultmann. The focus of (...)
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    Die relevansie van kerkreg met besondere verwysing na die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika.Barry J. van Wyk - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (4):1-9.
    This article believes church polity is critically important, especially in recent times where an appeal is quite easily made to the courts of the political dispensation. The article believes the scriptural viewpoint that Jesus Christ is head of the church plays a substantial role in the modern-day church, which should be kept in mind regardless. Reference is made to court cases in the past and the conclusion is that church polity is relevant because it is a scriptural necessity.
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    Theo-genetiese kodes van die APEHL, soos afgelei uit Efesiërs 4, beliggaam.J. Christo Van der Merwe - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (1).
    The focus of this article is on the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the Word become flesh, as a way of talking about and understanding mission and addresses at least two concerns in the contemporary debate about the missional church. Many missionary methods and strategies have contradicted both the teaching and actions of Jesus as he trained his disciples to continue his ministry. The message may have been the gospel, but the way the message was made known was often not congruent (...)
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    Die kerkregtelike debat tydens die 73 Algemene Kerkvergadering van die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika.Barry J. Van Wyk - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):9.
    The ecclesiastical debate at the 73 General Church Assembly of the Dutch Reformed Church of Africa. Reformed churches emerged from the Reformation which commenced in the 16th century because of the input of well-known reformers such as Martin Luther (1483–1546) and John Calvin (1509–1564). Reformed churches are founded on a certain system of church polity known as presbyterial-synodal. This church orderly viewpoint amounts to the fact that it is a church where Jesus Christ is the sole ruler of the church, (...)
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    Die uitspraak ‘… en saam laat sit in die hemel’ as voorbeeld van ’n eskatologiese hoogtepunt in die brief aan die Efesiërs.Barry J. van Wyk - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-9.
    The sentence 'to rule with him in the heavenly world' as example of an eschatological highlight in the letter to the Ephesians: The viewpoint in this article is that the above-mentioned statement in the letter to the Ephesians can be seen as an eschatological sentence of extraordinary value. In view of different eschatological viewpoints from the past, it can be stated that this sentence is an example of eschatology not only for the future, but also for the present. It is (...)
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    Die wonder en wonderverteiling gesien teen die agtergrond van mite en ontmitologisering.P. J. Van der Merwe - 1987 - HTS Theological Studies 43 (1/2):192-204.
    Miracle and miracle narrative against the background of myth and demythologizing.Religio-scientific perspectives on communication, language, reality conception, myth and the world of the sacred, as well as a different angle on demythologizing, are utilised in formulating a broad theological view of miracles, miracle experiences and miracle narratives.
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    (1 other version)On misfit dislocations in the diffusion zone of a bicrystal system.J. S. Vermaak & J. H. van der Merwe - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 10 (107):785-800.
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    Exploring Models for an International Legal Agreement on the Global Antimicrobial Commons: Lessons from Climate Agreements.Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, Alberto Giubilini, Claas Kirchhelle, Isaac Weldon, Mark Harrison, Angela McLean, Julian Savulescu & Steven J. Hoffman - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (1):25-46.
    An international legal agreement governing the global antimicrobial commons would represent the strongest commitment mechanism for achieving collective action on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Since AMR has important similarities to climate change—both are common pool resource challenges that require massive, long-term political commitments—the first article in this special issue draws lessons from various climate agreements that could be applicable for developing a grand bargain on AMR. We consider the similarities and differences between the Paris Climate Agreement and current governance structures for (...)
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  41. Leçons de chimie physique, professées à l'université de Berlin.J. H. Van'T. Hoff - 1899 - The Monist 9:634.
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    The Evolution of Rationality: Interdisciplinary Essays in Honor of J. Wentzel Van Huyssteen.Wentzel Van Huyssteen & F. LeRon Shults (eds.) - 2006 - W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
    In this honorific volume, his protigi F. LeRon Shults has gathered a chorus of excellent voices in van Huyssteen's main areas of philosophy, science, and ...
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    Reconstruction of the Ethical Debate on Naturalness in Discussions About Plant-Biotechnology.P. F. Van Haperen, B. Gremmen & J. Jacobs - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (6):797-812.
    Abstract This paper argues that in modern (agro)biotechnology, (un)naturalness as an argument contributed to a stalemate in public debate about innovative technologies. Naturalness in this is often placed opposite to human disruption. It also often serves as a label that shapes moral acceptance or rejection of agricultural innovative technologies. The cause of this lies in the use of nature as a closed, static reference to naturalness, while in fact “nature” is an open and dynamic concept with many different meanings. We (...)
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    Chaotic dynamics and the development of consciousness.J. R. van Eenwyk - 1996 - In E. MacCormac & Maxim I. Stamenov, Fractals of Brain, Fractals of Mind: In Search of a Symmetry Bond. John Benjamins. pp. 323.
  45. Elephant population biology and ecology.R. J. Van Aarde, S. Ferreira, T. Jackson, B. Page, Y. De Beer, K. Gough, R. Guldemond, J. Junker, P. Olivier & T. Ott - 2008 - In R. J. Scholes & K. G. Mennell, Elephant Management: A scientific assessment for South Africa. Wits University Press.
  46.  8
    Nietzsche and Ethics.Paul J. M. van Tongeren - 2006-01-01 - In Keith Ansell Pearson, A Companion to Nietzsche. Blackwell. pp. 387–403.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Nietzsche's Critique of Morality and Ethics The Morality of the Critique.
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    Nietzsche’s Transfiguration of History.Paul J. M. Van Tongeren - 1994 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 2 (2):23-46.
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  48. The philosophy of chemistry: From infancy towards maturity.J. Van Brakel - 2006 - In Davis Baird, Eric R. Scerri & Lee C. McIntyre, Philosophy of chemistry: synthesis of a new discipline. Dordrecht: Springer.
  49.  58
    If Fairness is the Problem, Is Consent the Solution? Integrating ISCT and Stakeholder Theory.Harry J. van Buren Iii - 2001 - Business Ethics Quarterly 11 (3):481-499.
    Abstract:Work on stakeholder theory has proceeded on a variety of fronts; as Donaldson and Preston (1995) have noted, such work can be parsed into descriptive, instrumental, and normative research streams. In a normative vein, Phillips (1997) has made an argument for a principle of fairness as a means of identifying and adjudicating among stakeholders. In this essay, I propose that a reconstructed principle of fairness can be combined with the idea of consent as outlined in integrative social contract theory (ISCT) (...)
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  50. Impairing the Impairment Argument.Kyle van Oosterum & Emma J. Curran - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (5):335-339.
    Blackshaw and Hendricks have recently developed and defended the impairment argument against abortion, arguing that the immorality of giving a child fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) provides us with reason to believe that abortion is immoral. In this paper, we forward two criticisms of the impairment argument. First, we highlight that, as it currently stands, the argument is very weak and accomplishes very little. Second, we argue that Blackshaw and Hendricks are fundamentally mistaken about what makes giving a child FAS immoral. (...)
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